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Okehampton Skate Park


Okehampton Town Council has a number of committees which are listed below with their membership. The Mayor and Chairs of the various committees are automatically members of all committees.

The Parks Committee has responsibility for the maintenance of Simmons Park, Kempley Meadows, Clapps Wood and other open spaces, the Town Council car parks, the skate park, the cemetery, some public rights of way, bus shelters and wayside seats. It also has responsibility for reviewing and implementing the Development Plan in respect of parks and open spaces.

The Planning Committee is responsible for reviewing and commenting where appropriate on all matters relating to planning, including individual applications and wider strategic planning matters. We are a statutory consultee in the planning process. 

The Policy and Resources Committee has responsibility for supervision and control of the Council's finances, including the allocation of occasional and regular grants to support organisations which benefit the residents of the town. It manages the personnel employed by the Council and oversees the use of IT.

The Property Committee has responsibility for the Civic buildings and property, including the Town Hall, Charter Hall and parts of the Market Hall, the public toilets at Fairplace and in Market Street as well as other smaller items of property owned by the Council.

The attendance of individual Members at scheduled meetings of committees of which they were members and at scheduled full council meetings and can be found in the annual report available here

Policy and Resources Committee

Cllr Julie Yelland (Committee Chair)
Cllr Bob Tolley (Committee Vice Chair)
Cllr Laura Bird
Cllr Cllr Frankee Hart
Cllr Christine Marsh
Cllr Simon Weekes

Agenda and Minutes of Committee Meetings

Parks Committee

Cllr Bob Tolley (Committee Chair)
Cllr Cllr Frankee Hart
Cllr Carole Holt
Cllr Dr Michael Ireland
Cllr Christine Marsh
Cllr Simon Weekes

Agenda and Minutes of Committee Meetings

Property Committee

Cllr Richard Colman (Committee Chair)
Cllr Antony Leech (Committee Vice Chair)
Cllr Laura Bird
Cllr Terry Cummings
Cllr Carole Holt

Agenda and Minutes of Committee Meetings

Planning Committee

Cllr Antony Leech (Committee Chair)
Cllr Dr Michael Ireland (Committee Vice Chair)
Cllr Laura Bird
Cllr Richard Colman
Cllr Terry Cummings
Cllr Mark Richards

Agenda and Minutes of Committee Meetings

Emergency Committee

Cllr Allenton Fisher (Town Mayor)
Cllr Bob Tolley (Chair, Parks)
Cllr Antony Leech (Chair, Planning)
Cllr Julie Yelland (Chair, Policy and Resources)
Cllr Richard Colman (Chair, Property)

Agenda and Minutes of Committee Meetings

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