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Crest of Okehampton Town Council
Band Stand, Simmons Park, Okehampton

Mayoral / Civic Page

The role of the Town Mayor

The Mayor is expected to attend all Council and Committee meetings. The Town Mayor automatically becomes a trustee of Okehampton United Charities, Okehampton Educational Foundation, Simmons Homes, & others. On appointment the Mayor becomes the President of the Okehampton Friendly Circle. The Mayor is an honorary member of the Okehampton Rotary Club during his/her term of office.

For those wishing to have the attendance of the Mayor at any function then please contact the Assistant Clerk

Councillor Allenton Fisher, Mayor of Okehampton 2024-25

Cllr Fisher was elected Mayor in May 2023. Cllr Fisher's chosen charity for the year will be Hospiscare at Home.

Past Mayors from 1890


1890    John Dunning Prickman

1891    William Bird German

1892    George Longdon Fulford

1893    George Longdon Fulford

1894    Simon Peter Brendon Newcombe

1895    Simon Peter Brendon Newcombe

1896    Simon Peter Brendon Newcombe

1897    Thomas Jessop

1898    Thomas Folly Wood

1899    Robert Brealy

1900    Henry Geen

1901    Henry Geen

1902    William Rowse

1903    William Rowse

1904    William Bird German

1905    William Bird German

1906    William Bird German

1907    William Nettleship Hunt

1908    William Nettleship Hunt

1909    John Cornish

1910    John Cornish

1911    William Rowse

1912    William Rowse

1913    Edmund Hunt Holley

1914    Edmund Hunt Holley

1915    Edmund Hunt Holley

1916    Edmund Hunt Holley

1917    Edmund Hunt Holley

1918    William Brown Chamings

1919    William Bird German

1920    Brendon Ball Newcombe

1921    Brendon Ball Newcombe

1922    James Fugler

1923    George Kerslake Blatchford

1924    George Kerslake Blatchford

1925    George Kerslake Blatchford

1926    Percy William Edgcumbe

1927    Percy William Edgcumbe

1928    Albert William Coles

1929    William Brown Chamings

1930    William John Avery

1931    George Underhill Fulford

1932    William Brown Chamings

1933    William Brown Chamings

1934    William Brown Chamings

1935    Samuel James Rich

1936    Samuel James Rich

1937    Samuel James Rich (died 20/08/38)

            Norah Elizabeth Rich (elected 19/09/38)

1938    William Brown Chamings

1939    William Brown Chamings

1940    Harold Nicholas Brooking

1941    George Henry Gratton

1942    George Henry Gratton

1943    George Henry Gratton

1944    George Henry Gratton

1945    William Brown Chamings

1946    Walter Henry Passmore

1947    Walter Henry Passmore

1948    Walter Henry Passmore

1949    Walter Henry Passmore

1950    Walter Henry Passmore

1951    Harold Nicholas Brooking

1952    Charles Gwynda Jones

1953    Charles Gwynda Jones

1954    William Francis Brock

1955    Walter Henry Passmore

1956    Frederick Edward Compton

1957    Harry Reginald Horne

1958    Albert William Richmond

1959    Albert William Richmond

1960    Walter William John Cornish

1961    Walter John Passmore

1962    Clement Edward Whittaker White

1963    Clement Edward Whittaker White

1964    Clement Edward Whittaker White

1965    James Frederick Hayhurst

1966    James Frederick Hayhurst

1967    Ronald Ralph Taylor

1968    Ronald Ralph Taylor

1969    Clement Edward Whittaker White

1970    Clement Edward Whittaker White

1971    Henry Reginald Horne

1972    Walter John Passmore

1973    Walter John Passmore

1974    Clement Edward Whittaker White

1975    Margaret Ann Nash

1976    Martin Jeffers Cunliffe

1977    Peter David Woodgate

1978    Walter John Passmore

1979    Walter John Passmore

1980    Brenda Margaret Phyllis Savage

1981    Brenda Margaret Phyllis Savage

1982    Grace Irene White

1983    Edmund Victor Savage

1984    Edmund Victor Savage

1985    Joan Evelyn Pauley

1986    John Mallett Hughes

1987    John Mallett Hughes

1988    Walter John Passmore MBE

1989    Sylvia Westlake

1990    Sylvia Westlake

1991    Mary Alice Vick

1992    Sylvia Westlake

1993    Sylvia Westlake

1994    Sylvia Westlake

1995    Joan Evelyn Pauley

1996    Ebenezer Raymond Vallance

1997    Ebenezer Raymond Vallance

1998    Leonard James Hayward (died 01/04/99)

            Christine Marie Marsh (elected 14/04/99)

1999    Christine Marie Marsh

2000    Christine Marie Marsh

2001    Christine Marie Marsh

2002    Christine Marie Marsh

2003    Christine Marie Marsh

2004    Antony Leech

2005    Antony Leech

2006    Frances Margaret Luxton      

2007    Antony Frank Leech

2008    Kay Dawn Bickley

2009    David Arnold Weekes

2010    Michael Edward Morse

2011    Maureen Patricia McDonald

2012    Michael Bryn Davies

2013    Michael Bryn Davies

2014    Paul Richard Vachon

2015    Paul Richard Vachon

2016    Janet Goffey

2017    Janet Goffey

2018    Janet Carpenter

2019    Julie Yelland

2020    Julie Yelland

2021    Bob Tolley

2022    Bob Tolley

2023    Allenton Fisher#

2024    Allenton Fisher